6 Pillars of Health

These are the components that make up my Holistic Health Plan. Our training sessions will focus not only on a great workout but also on your nutrition, sleep, hydration, and stress levels.

First Pillar

Diet (Nutrition)

Have you ever heard the phrase, “You can’t out-train your diet?” This aspect is crucial in overall health and wellness. If you want a flat stomach, even if you want a “6 pack”, diet is crucial.
We will cover numerous facets of diet and health, such as good sugars, bad fats, calories in vs. calorie out, label reading and portion vs. serving.

Second Pillar


A good night rest is important for numerous reasons. Sleep helps your body recover from training, helps regulate important hormones and allows time for information and memories to be transferred and stored.

Third Pillar


Your body is comprised of 60-70% water and some vital organs, an even higher percentage. Daily recommendation is 64 oz, but that is just too vague. Drink half your body weight in ounces to reach an adequate daily intake. Two reasons. Your body functions on water all the way down to the cellular level. Adequate hydration will result in everything running more smoothly and efficiently. Second fat is secreted through sweat and urine. If you are dehydrated this process will slow! Your eyes, skin and organs will thank you for the drink and you will avoid the afternoon energy crash, while improving your immunity.

Fourth Pillar


What can I say about exercise, it’s fantastic. The adage “Motion is lotion” holds true, especially as we age. Movement helps lubricate our joints and stretch and loosen tight muscles. Lean muscle holds more water and is more effective at burning calories. Resistance training is important to build bone health, especially in woman. Exercise will make you feel better, which may trickle down to better dietary choices, while releasing the feel-good hormones, serotonin and dopamine. Remember, train smarter, not harder.

Fifth Pillar

Stress Reduction

Each day it is important to disconnect from our daily stressors, whatever they may be. There are two type of stress. Stress is relative and how we perceive it, determines which type we experience. Eustress is a good stress and results in productivity and heightened awareness. Distress is negative and is cause of many medical issues. A hobby or meditation is a great way to focus on the moment and clear your mind.

Sixth Pillar


This component encompasses the previous 5 and may be the most difficult. Practicing one component is a start but determining a means to practice multiple components daily is the key to habit building and success. This is where time management, priorities possibly even tracking enter into the mix.